PLABEAU 高速粒子美容機 等離子美容機 G4+ 濕疹救星 消毒殺菌 親水倍效 保養一年
更小巧外型, 臨床實證6大美肌功效-親水倍效・膠原自生・袪皺減紋・美白亮澤・殺菌舒緩・深層淨化-全方位讓肌膚回復白滑幼嫩。PLABEAU以無創無痛無害的Plasma技術,將空氣中的分子分解成高速粒子,並以每秒產生10億高速粒子的高效能,瞬間送到皮膚底層,
- 韓國製造,革新科技
- 臨床實證,無創傷性
PLABEAU 是世界上第一款便攜式等離子美容設備,具有 6 個臨床證明的好處:
PLABEAU 採用非侵入性和無痛等離子技術,以每秒 10 億個離子的速度將空氣顆粒分解為等離子,從而將離子一次性輸送到最深的皮膚。深層清潔——全面恢復您的皮膚光滑度和亮度。

每晚沖涼後進行護膚程序前都會用Mode 2 (Mode 1 for初次使用或皮膚敏感人士),假日就勸力啲朝早都會用。每次開機會自動運行十分鐘,然後會自動熄機但都要手動推翻個鍵去OFF。有時間嘅話會用多幾分鐘係頸。
一直受暗瘡災症困擾,有段時間無間斷地係面頰位置生,雖然未嚴重到要睇醫生但已經氣餒到覺得啲暗蒼一世會跟住我T^T。所以我堅信Plabeau G4+可以幫我殺咗啲暗蒼菌,宜家面頰無再翻發暗蒼。當然時不時都會生一兩粒,特別係睡眠質素唔好、心情差或月經前夕,但比起以前啲暗蒼快消好多。另外,暗瘡印明顯快淡咗好多、即使我手賤唧暗蒼亦無咁易留印。本人非常手賤,有膿嘅嘢都會唧,用咗Plabeau G4+喺比起以前快咗結焦。
頭幾次用我都唔相信Plabeau G4+都吸到污糟嘢出嚟,直到某日見到發放高速粒子嘅陶瓷掃描面到有一層淡黃色嘅嘢,用濕化妝棉一捽,有幾條好似老泥嘅污糟嘢出咗嚟。呢張圖係我用完2晚無清嘅情況。
懶人護膚恩物 Less is More
Plabeau G4+唔似坊間嘅美容儀有咁多功能,可以冷敷熱敷RF……亦不需要用化妝棉。呢個亦係我可以持之以恆嘅原因之一,因為只有一個mode2個不同強度走天涯,每晚不經思考就可以邊護膚邊睇片。如果使用起上嚟太多準備功夫,我就會好懶用㗎啦。
第一模式是“敏感護理模式”,適用於皮膚較脆弱的人,或第一次使用 PLABEAU。
G4+ 由 PC 塑料和鋁合金製成。它僅重 130 克,體積相對較小。方便日常使用和攜帶。
在 10 分鐘內增加 41% 的皮膚吸收*
使用 6 週,細紋減少 26.2%*
使用 4 週,皺紋減少 11.78%,毛孔改善 10.99%*
使用 4 週,皮膚亮度提高 1.59%*
2 週內瘙癢改善 63%,瘙癢頻率改善 69%*
Shipping & Returns
We are committed to delivering our products to everyone in the world. Our services cover most countries in the world and are dedicated to meeting various transportation needs.
Logistics and Distribution
Shipping from our warehouse in Hong Kong:
Delivery by SF Express covers the whole of Hong Kong and Macau
All customers will receive an email notification from our delivery details, and the carrier will contact the customer to confirm the delivery time before delivery. If you need to specify a delivery date, please you can indicate it in the [Order Remarks] column when placing an order.
*Delivery working hours are Monday to Saturday, after 5pm (except Sunday and public holidays)
Shipping from Japan:
It is marked with [Japan Direct Mail], and the delivery by EMS or FEDEX:
• For delivery from Japan, the receiving address must be the residential address or office address. SF smart lockers are not supported.
* All overseas areas by Fedex or other carrier, alos need to provide a complete address and postal code. The shipping fee is subject to the billing and settlement shipping fee. For details, please contact customer service.
Hong Kong & Macau Region
all over Free shipping on orders over HKD $1000 , Free shipping on orders over HKD $1200 from Macau . Shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1000 is HKD $30. The shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1200 in Macau will be HKD $48
Japan Post (International Mail, free shipping on orders over HKD $1500
Once your product delivery time usually takes 3-4 business days. Rest of the world takes 5 to 20 business days. You can estimate shipping costs in your cart and at checkout 。
According to the announcement of the Customs Department of of Taiwan. Real-name authentication will be implemented for all personal shipments imported into Taiwan. Authentication APP ( Android download / iOS download ), and complete the real-name authentication registration of binding the personal real identity information with the mobile phone number. The recipient's full name and bound mobile phone number must be filled in correctly in Chinese. More details
Return arrangement
You can have any questions within 15 days after receiving the items. Make sure to check the product or contact us.
For more information, please see our FQAs answer page.
Shipping & Returns
We are committed to delivering our products to everyone in the world. Our services cover most countries in the world and are dedicated to meeting various transportation needs.
Logistics and Distribution
Shipping from our warehouse in Hong Kong:
Delivery by SF Express covers the whole of Hong Kong and Macau
All customers will receive an email notification from our delivery details, and the carrier will contact the customer to confirm the delivery time before delivery. If you need to specify a delivery date, please you can indicate it in the [Order Remarks] column when placing an order.
*Delivery working hours are Monday to Saturday, after 5pm (except Sunday and public holidays)
Shipping from Japan:
It is marked with [Japan Direct Mail], and the delivery by EMS or FEDEX:
• For delivery from Japan, the receiving address must be the residential address or office address. SF smart lockers are not supported.
* All overseas areas by Fedex or other carrier, alos need to provide a complete address and postal code. The shipping fee is subject to the billing and settlement shipping fee. For details, please contact customer service.
Hong Kong & Macau Region
all over Free shipping on orders over HKD $1000 , Free shipping on orders over HKD $1200 from Macau . Shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1000 is HKD $30. The shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1200 in Macau will be HKD $48
Japan Post (International Mail, free shipping on orders over HKD $1500
Once your product delivery time usually takes 3-4 business days. Rest of the world takes 5 to 20 business days. You can estimate shipping costs in your cart and at checkout 。
According to the announcement of the Customs Department of of Taiwan. Real-name authentication will be implemented for all personal shipments imported into Taiwan. Authentication APP ( Android download / iOS download ), and complete the real-name authentication registration of binding the personal real identity information with the mobile phone number. The recipient's full name and bound mobile phone number must be filled in correctly in Chinese. More details
Return arrangement
You can have any questions within 15 days after receiving the items. Make sure to check the product or contact us.
For more information, please see our FQAs answer page.
We offer 1-year limited warranty on all products (skin care products & parallel imports don't apply) from the date of received.
If you think there is some problem with the product you received, or if you experience any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by negligence, misuse, wear and tear or failure to follow product instructions (dropped product, defects, etc.).
During the transportation, there may be friction between the commodity instrument and the packaging. During the international logistics transportation, there may be some wear and tear, which is a normal phenomenon. Returns and exchanges due to the appearance of the product are not accepted.
We offer 1-year limited warranty on all products (skin care products & parallel imports don't apply) from the date of received.
If you think there is some problem with the product you received, or if you experience any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by negligence, misuse, wear and tear or failure to follow product instructions (dropped product, defects, etc.).
During the transportation, there may be friction between the commodity instrument and the packaging. During the international logistics transportation, there may be some wear and tear, which is a normal phenomenon. Returns and exchanges due to the appearance of the product are not accepted.
Secure Payment
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
We accept payments with : Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, Diners Club, Discover and more.
Secure Payment
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
We accept payments with : Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, Diners Club, Discover and more.